Want to be a resident at one of our Communities? Here's how...
Get ready!
Step 1.
Get the Application
Each community has a different application to fill out. Select a community where you wish to reside and contact them directly for an application packet. Application packets can be emailed, faxed, or mailed, or picked up from the office.
If their Wait List is 'Open', make an appointment to return the completed application packet and required documents for an application interview. The date of the interview will be the date used to place applicants on the waiting list.
Step 2.
Complete the Application
Please use your legal name when completing the application.
Answer all questions. If a question does not pertain to you, write “None”. Do not leave it blank or write N/A. If you are unsure how to answer the question, then you may leave it blank. All questions will be reviewed during the interview.
If you need help filling out the application, staff can assist with the completion of the packet.
Step 3.
Gather all required documents
Initially you will need a...
photo id
Social Security card
birth certificate
for every adult in the applicant household. Bring copies of these along with the completed application to the interview.
Additional documentation maybe necessary later.
When their Wait List is Open, then...
Request an interview
Please be on time. If you are unable to make your interview time, contact staff as soon as possible so we can reschedule your appointment. Remember, the date of the interview will be the date used to place applicants on the waiting list. If additional information is necessary, please provide it as quickly as possible.
Step 4.
Step 5.
When a unit is available...
When a unit becomes available, that unit will be offered to the FIRST applicant on the waiting list with a COMPLETED AND APPROVED APPLICATION. If you are offered an apartment and you refuse, your application will be placed on the bottom of the list. If you refuse an apartment after three (3) offers, you will be removed from the waiting list.